
We welcome your comments about FlapArt. However, unless FlapArt has set up a specific submissions policy, we will not review or consider any unsolicited creative submissions. We hope you will understand that this policy is intended to avoid the possibility of future misunderstandings in the event that projects developed by our professional staff might seem to others to be similar to their own creative work.

Accordingly, we must ask that you not send us any original creative ideas, suggestions or materials. If, despite our request, you send us any creative idea, suggestion or material ("Submission"), it shall become our property. No Submission will be subject to any obligation of confidence by us, and we will not be liable for any use or disclosure of any Submission. We will exclusively own all known or later-existing rights to the Submission worldwide, and will be entitled to the unrestricted use of the Submission for any purpose, without compensation to the provider of the Submission.


We respect our customers and their privacy. We do not telemarket. We do not sell or rent customer information to anyone. Our Java-based catalog/shopping cart does not use "cookies" at all and the non-Java version uses a "cookie" only to identify contents of your shopping cart prior to placing an order.

We store customer names, addresses, email addresses and phone numbers in our database. We need this information so we can find your order if you ask us about it, so we can tell you when your order ships, and so you can use the "Remember Me" feature instead of typing your address on every order.

Our website uses the latest "128-bit" SSL encryption to keep your information secure. Our site is regularly audited by ScanAlert, credit card companies, and other third-party organizations to ensure that information you share with us cannot be extracted by anyone else.

We use your phone number only to contact you about a problem filling or delivering your order. We may use your e-mail (or regular mail) address to let you know about special promotions, newsletters or other events.

Each e-mail sent is accompanied by the option to unsubscribe from our mailing list. If we send you mail you find annoying, just tell us and we'll take you off our list.